Results - France-IX GM 11/05/2023
Turnout: 44 (33.1%) of 133 electors voted in this ballot.
Validation of the accounts for 2021-2022
YES | 39 | 95.1%
NO | 2 | 4.9%
Election of 2 seats to the Board Committee
Jérôme NICOLLE | 17 | 20.5%
Gabriel CHENEVOY | 15 | 18.1%
Cédric SCHWOERER | 13 | 15.7%
Matthieu MALVACHE | 10 | 12.0%
Philippe NIETO | 10 | 12.0%
Sylvain TRINCAL | 10 | 12.0%
Pierre-Olivier LOMPRÉ | 8 | 9.6%
Power for legal formalities
YES | 43 | 97.7%
NO | 1 | 2.3%
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