Results - AG France-IX 2014 / France-IX's GM 2014
Turnout: 87 (42.2%) of 206 electors voted in this ballot.
Do you validate the accounts for 2013-2014?
Oui / Yes | 68 | 98.6%
Non / No | 1 | 1.4%
Election of 2 corporate seats to the board
Cloudflare - represented by Jérôme Fleury | 57 | 35.6%
Akamai - represented by Martin Hannigan | 46 | 28.8%
Interxion - represented by Fabrice Coquio | 36 | 22.5%
Navigacom - represented by Catherine Lucas | 21 | 13.1%
Election of 2 individual seats to the board
Clément Cavadore | 58 | 40.8%
Bocar Kane | 35 | 24.6%
Koffi Djossou | 28 | 19.7%
Eric Dunand | 21 | 14.8%
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