Résultats - France-IX GM 13/01/2022
Participation : 159 (31.9%) sur 498 électeurs ont voté lors de ce scrutin.
Validation of the accounts for 2020-2021
YES | 134 | 99.3%
NO | 1 | 0.7%
Election of 2 seats to the Board Committee
Claire AUDIN | 85 | 30.9%
Richard NGUYEN | 59 | 21.5%
Lionel DREVON | 56 | 20.4%
Thibaud FURETTE | 46 | 16.7%
Boris MIMEUR | 29 | 10.5%
Change in the closing date of the financial year
YES | 147 | 100.0%
NO | 0 | 0.0%
Change of the Articles of Association (vice-president)
YES | 136 | 98.6%
NO | 2 | 1.4%
Power to the Board of Directors
YES | 135 | 95.7%
NO | 6 | 4.3%
Power for formalities
YES | 139 | 98.6%
NO | 2 | 1.4%
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