Résultats - France-IX EGM 29/06/2023
Participation : 25 (31.3%) sur 80 électeurs ont voté lors de ce scrutin.
Change of the name of the Association and consequential amendment to Article 2 of the Articles of Association
YES | 24 | 96.0%
NO | 1 | 4.0%
Change of the purpose of the Association and consequential amendment to Article 3 of the Articles of Association
YES | 24 | 96.0%
NO | 1 | 4.0%
Transfer of the registered office and consequential amendment to Article 4 of the Articles of Association
YES | 25 | 100.0%
NO | 0 | 0.0%
General revision of the Articles of Association
YES | 22 | 88.0%
NO | 3 | 12.0%
Power for legal formalities
YES | 24 | 96.0%
NO | 1 | 4.0%
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